Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid at Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre

Civic Center Music Hall, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma



Last year was absolutely stunning for Ballet fans, and 2021 is proving to be even finer. The stunning Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre is proving to be THE place to be this April for all Ballet fans, as it opens it's curtains to Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid – live-on-stage on Sunday 18th April 2021 for yet another amazing Ballet show. If you're a local Oklahoma City resident or live nearby – this Sunday evening get on down to the Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre as it'll be setting the bar even higher for Ballet entertainment. Save the date Sunday 18th April 2021! Most importantly save yourself your favorite seat today by purchasing your Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid tickets.

Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid at Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre

Are you prepared for Sunday night when you can experience some of the finest Ballet in the entire country which will leave you breathless? Then you mustn't miss out on experiencing Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid live at the popular Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre on Sunday 18th April 2021. But don’t think that the on-stage performance is the only reason to come out to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma . The Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre itself works hard to offer fans and guests everything they need to have an incredible, memorable, and simply breathtaking Ballet experience. All you have to do is purchase your tickets and sit back and enjoy the show. Click the Buy Tickets button below to get your tickets today.

Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid at Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre



Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid

Civic Center Music Hall

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Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid

Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre



Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid

Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre



Oklahoma City Ballet: The Little Mermaid

Thelma Gaylord Performing Arts Theatre

About the Venue

civic center music hall

Civic Center Music Hall

201 N Walker Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73102, United States